Microneedling treatments will help with preventing premature ageing in the skin,
hyperpigmentation, rosacea, scarring, enlarged pores, problematic skin, and some stretch marks.

MicroNeedling Face only treatment
MicroNeedling Face & Neck treatment
MicroNeedling Course Face & Neck
(x4 treatments, 6 month expiry, save 10%) $1,062.00
We have chosen the EXCEED medical microneedling machine for its advanced safety and precision. Exceed is the only microneedling machine on the market that has medical clearance from TGA, FDA and MedSafe & global certifications from CE & ISO.
Its sterile & disposable ‘floating tip’ means it glides over the contours of the skin without unnecessary friction, pulling or tugging on the skin.
The machine is powered from a direct and constant power source, meaning there is no loss of precision or accuracy throughout your treatment.
What is CIT and how does it work within the skin?
Microneedling is often called CIT (collagen induction therapy). A controlled micro-injury is created by medical grade stainless steel needles which rapidly penetrate the skin. This sets off a healing cascade within the skin, where a plethora of epidermal and dermal growth factors are released. Skin cells such as keratinocytes, melanocytes and fibroblasts are activated to divide faster and perform better. The increase in circulation to the skin improves the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells to help them work at their best. Lymphatic action is also increased which aids detoxification of the tissues.
Your therapist will treat either into the epidermal layers of the skin, or deeper into the dermis of the skin depending on your concerns and what you are wanting to treat.

What conditions benefit from Exceed Microneedling?
All skins can benefit from microneedling, but the key is in the prep work! We need to ensure your skin cells are healthy and that the blood feeding the skin contains the essential nutrients needed for healing.
Microneedling treatments will help with preventing premature ageing in the skin, hyperpigmentation, rosacea, scarring, enlarged pores, problematic skin, and some stretch marks.

Essential Pre care (4-6 weeks prior to your first treatment):
Following your clinicians homecare recommendations ensure that you achieve the desired results with minimal downtime.
Please ensure that you use broad spectrum SPF protection daily.
Please ensure that you are incorporating a hydrating serum into your homecare routine daily (e.g containing Hyaluronic Acid and/or Niacinamide Vit B3).
Please ensure that you are incorporating retinol (Vitamin A) products in your homecare routine as directed by your beauty therapist.
Please ensure that you are incorporating a stable Vitamin C product in your homecare routine as directed by your beauty therapist.
Consider adding more essential fatty acids into your diet, or taking supplements that incorporate both EPA & DHAs.
Drink 2 Litres of water daily for 2 weeks leading up to your treatment.
Day of treatment:
Please consider booking your treatment on a day off or later in the day. You will not be able to have either sunscreen or makeup on when you leave the clinic, and will likely have a healthy red glow!
Please come in for your treatment makeup free.
Contraindications to Skin Needling (people that can not have this treatment):
Active inflammatory conditions including eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis.
Any open lesions.
Papulopustular rosacea.
Bacterial or fungal infections.
Previous keloid scarring (anywhere on the body).
Immuno-suppressed clients.
Active herpes simplex (cold sores) infections.
If you are currently on hydrocortisone or efudex prescribed from your Doctor for the treatment of skin cancer.
If you have diabetes.
If you have scleroderma (autoimmune disease).
Please allow 14 days after having ‘Botox’ &/or ‘Fillers’ to have needling.
Currently taking Accutane acne medication.
Please note if you have been on roaccutane you will need to wait 6 months to have an epidermal needling treatment and 12 months to have a dermal needling treatment.Pregnant and nursing clients are not ‘contraindicated’ but do need to be aware of heightened sensitivity and blood flow.